On Thursday, our chocolate lab was sporting a huge lump on his neck, which was not there previously. So we called the vet, they came to the house for an appointment. After blood work, some other nasty poking and prodding, we were told we would find out the results the next day. Today we got the call that his blood work was good, but the other poking and prodding results were not so good. It is either cancer or a very serious infection. So we make an appointment at 2pm to have x-rays (certainly not how I planned to spend the day before our daughter arrives). All the meanwhile, we have to discuss both scenarios with the cancer being the obvious concern. If it is cancer, we decided we would put him down. Again, not something we planned on dealing with the day before the birth of Saylor. With that thought comes a LOT of emotion, discussion on how to explain death to Lola and the logistics of the whole process (which is rather expensive - who knew). Well, x-rays showed that the bones looked good and next we try antibiotics hoping that it is an infection. We are not out of the woods with the cancer theory, but rather gained a week before we have to make any decisions. We are seriously praying for our dog that the antibiotics will clear up what we hope to be an infection.
Now on to the rest of the day, well that gets better too...LOL! Lola is very excited about her new sister. In fact she asked Jeff when he came home last week from St. Louis if he had brought Saylor with him. Although today, she was more worried about what I was going to wear to the hospital. And then proceeded to inform and show me how the doctor will pull my legs up to my ears, tell me to push and then wipe the baby goo off the baby. Then, she will come in and hold her. (too much Baby Story on TLC) Jeff dropped her off at the Bartlett's house.
Of course I'm cleaning to make sure the house is clean when we get home. Jeff comes in and says, "Well I just hit the garage with the car." My mouth drops and I proceed to do something I now regret....drop my head and say, "You have got to be kidding me." and a lot more reprimanding from me than necessary. After dropping several hundred dollars on our dog in two days and with the realization of the car expense, I think I got overwhelmed. Whew!!
It's time to focus on the main event and get ready to become a family of four tomorrow. I must say it is a little strange knowing the exact day and time of her birth before she arrives. I suppose the time of day will be our surprise. With Lola, we didn't know the time, day or sex of our new arrival. So they will each have their own story.
Off to bed as we have a big day ahead!!
PS Natalia this post is for you and I hope to continue to post regularly :)
ReplyDeleteI burst into giggle and just about burst into tears when I saw the line about hitting the garage door.....definitely a great story. :)
Oh my...I did not know about the garage door thing! :/ I wish I would have read this sooner.