Lola was thrilled and really wanted to stay for more"school" but we left and she wouldn't tell us anything about what she did in class. I know that she will divulge details as she decides I need to hear We then head out to get her first day of school outfit that she picked out on her own (well kind of).
Jeff completed the homework project we were given at the orientation. (He hates homework, so this should be an interesting new chapter for us as
(I actually traced, cut out the hand, glued it on, printed the pic....he had to write the note in his best penmanship......might get a lesson from Lola down the road on that)
Then Monday rolls around and it was a rough day of not being able to give her enough to do and her getting in my way all day. (Sometimes I fail to remember that being a SAHM is about having kids at home "in my way" my fail not hers.) Tuesday, I realize, that all she wants is to do "homework" because she is SO excited for school to start on Wednesday that she cannot contain herself. So, I give her "homework" (pages of tracing, coloring, writing, numbers and letters). All of which she completes beautifully.
So by 3pm today, I am starting to think about prepping for school tomorrow and tears begin to swell. My baby girl is going to school tomorrow...I know, I's only Pre-K. But she has only been under my tutelage and I have been her main source of influence for the past four years, the only four years of her life. As we talk about walking her in to her class, Lola says, "Mom I don't want you to walk me in, just drop me off." WHAT?! I thought this didn't happen until high school.
My thoughts go from.... I am not going to "just drop her off" at class, wave to the teacher and walk out the door TO I am going to walk into the class, greet the teacher and spew out this in one run-on sentence without taking one single breath of air just to make sure she gets it all before tuning me out.....
"she's very sure of herself, but can be sensitive if she thinks she hurt your feelings, she loves competition but has to be reminded that sometimes we don't win, when she gets hurt she will do her best not to cry so you will need to ask her if you think she is hurt or you will never know, she will talk about "Mr. Danny" and "Durdyn" both are deaths that she endured this year and she just needs to hear that we miss him too and it's ok, she will ask questions or tell you things that you think a four year old can't possibly or shouldn't know, but somehow she does, she takes forever to eat but will ask you for a snack every five minutes, she will ask for gum but you don't need to answer because she will answer her own question with "oh, no it has too much sugar", she will make up songs, pretend to know gymnastics, show you how she is getting better at snapping and she will probably tell you about every single person she has ever met and give you a story to go along with it and then ask you, 'do you know them too?'"
......BUT I know deep down that I will simply smile and say thank you to her teacher, walk out the door quickly to the car so no one sees me teary eyed and realize that my baby will miss me too (at least that is what I am going to tell myself).I'm a pretty tough cookie but when it comes to my babies I just have a soft spot!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the run-on sentence. I thought about sending an email with similar information, but refined. I was then tempted to say it all to her when she came to my window during pick-up line. I feel like it better prepares the she might need my help. :) Who better to give advice on my girl than her number one fan?!?!? Ok...I'm thinking I need to blog about that before we get too far into the school year. :)