Monday, September 12, 2011

No need to clean up

WARNING: This may offend religious people, NO I did not say Christians! If you do not understand my warning, then you may want to continue reading, as it might give you some insight....LOL! This is my second attempt at writing this post.....hopefully it comes across as intended, loving and in no way at all condemning or harsh. (Also, these types of posts will not be often, it was just on my heart. My intent is for this blog to be light hearted and about our family)

God keeps placing the same message in my path the past few months....and I know it is because He wants to make sure I never forget and that I share it with others. So, here goes my attempt at sharing.  I have gone to church my entire life, so 30 years (don't like the sound of that number). This is not to say that I am perfect or even come close to following the "straight and narrow" path. On the contrary, I have had my share of mistakes, failures and "put on your big girl panties and move on" moments. After getting divorced (yes I was divorced at 19), losing all of my friends (they went to my church, gasp, I know can you believe, being shunned by "Christians" and "Churches"(again religious, not Christ-like), searching in all of the wrong places to fill that emptiness, then marrying my wonderful husband, having a beautiful daughter and at last attending a church (Faith Church St. Louis) that a friend recommended (that I was REALLY nervous to try due to stupid "Christian" rumors, gasp again), I have come to realize God showed me through those experiences that He loves me. Yes, he loves ME - with all of my past failures, sin, guilt, shame, pain, loneliness, anger, everything! It was an epiphany for me, especially after being in church most of my life and then after one year of marriage, getting DIVORCED! 

It is interesting to me how "Christians" who have always been in church (which by the way, attending church doesn't make you a Christian), can categorize sin and have this false idea that the world's sin is different than their sin (don't worry, I know because I have been there, ha). Therefore if you have committed "those kind of sins" then you can't possibly be a Christian, nor serve in the church, in fact just you being at the church might cause a problem....HUH, WHAT, REALLY??!! Well, I started attending a church that didn't forget to read the Bible (our guide) and was I ever thankful that somebody was listening to God for the message, following our ultimate example Jesus Christ and pleading that, "You do NOT need to clean up to come to church, just come and let GOD take care of the rest."

Thank you Pastor David and Nicole Crank for being the most real Christians I have witnessed from a stage. Once again I could attend church, as a Christian and not feel ashamed, judged, unforgiven and empty. I had already asked God for forgiveness, BUT geez some "Christians and churches" go by a different playbook - getting them to truly forgive is like nails on a chalkboard. And for Pete's sake, where did all my "Christian" friends go when I was struggling. Jesus didn't leave people when they were hurting and confused, no instead he went to those people and drew them in.

I attended a Beth Moore simulcast this past weekend and she spoke on a woman who attended church but was addicted to pornography for fourteen years, but is now set free. (I know the religious people will be nervous that I typed the "P" word on my blog...LOL). Remember we are all sinners saved by grace and praise God that HE delivered her, she didn't and couldn't do it on her own. Then I sat with a friend this afternoon who shared a story about someone being ashamed of their past (my friend shared her story,which isn't "picture perfect" either, back with that person) and I know without a shadow of a doubt that God used their "junk" to show His love for them and His grace. My homework in my Women's Bible study is titled "Breaking Free from the Past" and how Jesus Christ came to set you free ( Oh, wait a minute the "church" won't set you free?) NO, He came to set us free from the power and consequences of sin. God has made everything new, not the "church", not you, not your pastor, nope - GOD!!! 

So, in the past few weeks God has brought about this same message in many different ways. As well as opening my heart to the fact that He is giving me an overwhelming desire to share and live out this truth, in my life, at my church and with those around me. The simple truth that Jesus loves us (all of us, including the homeless man on the corner, the man who sits awaiting trial for murder, a pastor, business owners, republicans and democrats, uneducated, wealthy - EVERYONE - regardless of skin color, economic level, age, gender, happy, hurting, married, divorced), He loves us all and He wants to take care of us, He wants us to share this love with others and not condemn them or preach at them, but to share God's love and forgiveness. Let's get this straight, Christians have no power to forgive sins or give life, God is the only one who makes all things new, forgives our sins and gives life eternal. People are hard enough on themselves, they don't need Christians or the church to make them feel any worse. Our responsibility is to tell them they do not need to be ashamed, afraid or distraught because we have a place for them to find rest, forgiveness, peace and hope.

Just in case you scrolled to the bottom and didn't read (I know some will): Jesus loves us as we are, He wants you to know that you can come as you are and He will take care of cleaning you up. You DO NOT have to clean up to come to church, come and He will take care of the clean up. Jesus loves you!!!

Oh and if you are looking for a church in Florida where you will find REAL LOVE. REAL PEOPLE. REAL LIFE. Then come check out DC3 (new website coming soon).

As I am finishing this post, my email dings and this is the daily devotional in my inbox.
Churches should be No-Shame Zones Couldn't have said it better!!!


  1. Love it! Love it! love it! Was as if you were reading my very own thoughts. No, I have not been divorced but I married an 'ex-con', a man who got saved in prison! Go figure. Thought the crimes he committed were nearly 20 years ago it is amazing how often we are judged by 'church people'. Sad but true. So I totally feel for you & wish that we would have reconnected sooner ( I promise I would have been a good friend!) ;) I am so glad that you like us have found a church that 'gets' it! thanks for sharing. You story is meant to be shared!
